
Support and self-help groups

In reality, Sjögren’s syndrome is very poorly known to the medical world and difficult to diagnose. For this reason, the Association was created to answer questions, provide information about the syndrome, allow people with the disease and their loved ones to meet and share coping strategies.

Research has shown that people receiving support from a social network do better and feel more in control than those who are isolated. People who have been diagnosed with Sjögren’s Syndrome must learn to live with a chronic illness with the additional challenge of having a rare disease that most people have never heard of. Because of the rarity of the disease, it is sometimes difficult to find people who understand the pitfalls that a person with Sjögren’s syndrome encounters on a daily basis.

Want to know more about Sjogren’s syndrome? Do you feel isolated? Join the support and support groups of the Association: in addition to a warm welcome, we offer meetings with relevant content. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Conduct of the meeting

The meeting begins with a tour de table so that each person can express himself / herself if he / she wishes. The proposed theme can affect as much the diagnosis, the limitations that the syndrome causes, its impacts on the quality of life, the treatments, the medical follow-up, the daily adaptation with a problem of health which one did not expect and which makes us experience the jagged emotions, pain and fatigue management that social aspects often bring with Sjögren’s syndrome.

For more details, you can join a Sjögren Syndrome Association volunteer who will be happy to inform you:

Phone: 1-877-934-3666