
For members only Meeting July 23, 2024

21 July 2024

To mark World Sjögren’s Syndrome Day on July 23, the birthday of Dr Henrik Sjögren who discovered Sjögren’s syndrome, we are offering members a virtual meeting on the Zoom platform. The aim of this meeting […]

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World Sjögren’s Syndrome Day

20 July 2024

July 23, 2024 World Sjögren’s Syndrome Day is designed to put a face on the hundreds of people in Quebec who live with this disease, or who suffer from symptoms and have not yet been […]

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New on the website

19 July 2024

On the site, you’ll find reliable information on the disease, a list of relevant resources on Sjögren’s syndrome, tips on how to modify your environment and lifestyle to improve the impact of symptoms on a […]

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REMINDER – New address from April 1, 2024.

22 June 2024

Sjögren’s Syndrome Association Inc. 706 rue Laurier, bureau 100A Beloeil (QC) J3G 4J6 We kindly ask you to update your contacts and note this new address for all our future meetings and correspondence. Telephone: (514) […]

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A Quebec policy for rare diseases and the action plan 2023-2027

21 June 2024

A first in Quebec and Canada On June 6, 2022, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, accompanied by his parliamentary assistant, Marilyne Picard, announced the establishment of the first Quebec policy for […]

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For members only – Group meeting

6 June 2024

Presentation of rheumatologist Dr. Shen’s lecture in rerun:  “Understanding Sjogren’s Syndrome”   When: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. Followed by a discussion period Subjets include: What is Sjögren’s Syndrome? How […]

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Board of Directors 2024-2025

8 May 2024

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, the Annual General Meeting of the Sjögren’s Syndrome Association was held by Zoom videoconference. Following nominations, all positions on the Board of Directors were filled. Officers were appointed at the […]

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Earth Day

22 April 2024

Dedicated to preserving the environment and the planet, Earth Day is celebrated this Saturday in hundreds of countries. It has taken place every April 22 since 1970. Every year, for more than 50 years, several […]

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Volunteer Week 2024

12 April 2024

Volunteer Week 2024, which runs from April 14 to 20, is an opportunity to highlight the commitment of volunteers to the Sjögren’s Syndrome Association. As active participants, our volunteers contribute to the promotion, development, support […]

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